Thursday, February 12, 2004

The sublime is a sensation of awe created from the experience of art. That’s my best definition without going to a dictionary, but I think it’s close.

It is a feeling that artists try to create with their work. Usually, they try for a sensation of pleasure from beauty. For example, a sweeping vista on a movie screen might take your breath away, or a really good novel might leave you tingly when you put it down.

There’s also a sensation of the sublime from images of horror. That’s how some people explain the attraction of slasher movies. Personally, I like the guts.

I experienced an overwhelming feeling of appreciation today that I can only explain as sublime. I sat for 1 hour on Olympic Boulevard and only went a very short distance.

Ridiculous traffic is not uncommon, in fact, what makes it so wonderful is that it is the norm. Today, in the car, and paralyzed, is when it hit me, the kind of joy from fantasy brought to life, the suspension of disbelief, the acceptance that what is before me is unfathomable and yet exists.

I was impressed by the progress of mankind, and elated by the comedy of my pained, crawl of a commute.

LA traffic is both incomprehensible and material, it is boggling, and it is sublime.

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