Thursday, July 27, 2006

My Dead Cactus

By: Ben Tiernan

This is my dead cactus. This cactus died so that I might my office without a cactus.

It was a present, so I tried to care for it and not to kill it like I would if I had just found it or bought it on a whim. But this cactus was a mouse to my Lenny, and my caring was clumsy and overpowering.

I watered this cactus so that it might thrive, but alas it dwendled, and turned brown and leaned flacid on the potted, soil floor.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Grunion Did Not Run

By: Ben Tiernan

Yesterday, the LA Times and local TV news shows covered the seasonal California phenomenon called the Grunion Run.

Not to be outdone, today, Tin Car covers the Grunion Run, in an exclusive story.

Grunion are small, silvery shellfish that live off the California coast and at low tide, during the Summer and on a full moon, they throw themselves onto the shore to spawn. The early-morning spawning ritual is known locally as the Grunion Run, and people head to the beach to watch the phenomenon and maybe pick up breakfast.

The picture above show's the coastline today at 6:05am just off the Venice Beach pier, and it is unequivocal proof that today - the day after beaches were covered with silverfish getting down in funky town - the grunion did not run.

That's right, this dogged reporter woke up at 5:45am and went to the beach expecting to report on the 2nd day of "The Run", but only found a deep low tide and an empty beach. Sure there were runners: Dogs ran, people ran, but nary a Grunion ran.

Of course, Tin Car is delighted to deliver this exclusive story to it's readers, and show proof positive that this blog covers the stories that no one else dares to cover.